Thursday, November 25, 2010

All i want is juicy...

I really want the Couture Couture by Juicy Couture perfume for christmas.
I asked for perfume last christmas and i ended up with 2 bottles of really crappy perfume.
So i'm excited to finally have a nice fragrance!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

hold for applause

Yesterday me, my best friend Monique, and my little sister, Ellie, went on a little photo shoot. Here are some of the pictures. Sigh, i love fall...

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey guys, sorry for my little hiatus there. I've been so busy with schoolwork lately and i got so side tracked from blogging. From now until december my blogging may be a little irregular but hopefully i will be doing a post about once a week.
I have to start making a wish list cause before i know it, christmas will be around the corner.
I'm thinking about asking for a nice leather bag and maybe some cool heels. But i haven't really looked much yet so i have to get on that.
What are you guys asking for??
