Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I recently discovered this amazing magazine called NYLON. I was waiting in the mile long line at Urban Outfitters and i saw it sitting on a table and i  began to read. I didn't get very far but i thought it was a pretty cool magazine. I really want to get a subscription to another magazine and i'm trying to find the perfect fit. I really want to get Italian Vogue or something like that but it's pretty expensive.
Anyways here are some cool things from the magazine:
These pictures are all of Zoe Saldana and she looks stunning in them. Don't you agree?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pretty in Pink

Last week i saw "Pretty in Pink" for the first time (i know- shocker). I absolutely fell in love with the wardrobe and here are some of them that i love: (there are also some from sixteen candles and the breakfast club)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So far i have 1/2 a sweater...

So i've been knitting away and so far i have the back of the sweater and a little bit of the front. I'm so excited to finish!!! Also, at my school we are having a 30 hour famine. We sleep at the school and don't eat for 30 hours while raising money for charity. Our charity is NOT FOR SALE. I'm so excited!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

What i bought...

On the weekend i went to the Eaton Center. Of course all the stores were having huge sales so every store was packed to the brim. But i did manage to find a few things...
Me modeling my new leggings in the H&M dressing room.

Leggings: $25.00 H&M

Tights (2 pack): $7.50 H&M

Hair Clips: $2.00 Drug Store

Shoes: $38.00 Urban Outfitters

Socks: $10.00 Urban Outfitters

Headband: $6.00 Old Navy

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Some random things from today

Here are a few of my glasses.

Here's a ring that i got from my grandma's attic.

Some patches from a giant patchwork blanket.

My *new* wallet out of the dress-up bins.

Knitting again...

Here are just a few pictures of me knitting my sweater that i forgot to include in my previous post.


A few months ago for my birthday, my cousin (Zoe), made me these AMAZING earrings that are based on Luna Lovegood's (From Harry Potter). If you're not familiar with the books, they are beaded radish earrings.

Knitting a Sweater

Well, as i've mentioned before, i'm knitting a sweater!!! It's taken me a few weeks but i've finally finished the back section. Now all i have to do is the front part and both sleeves...
Well, here's my progress so far:

A walk in the park

Yesterday my cousins came over and we took a nice long walk in the park...
Doesn't Petra look nice today???
All: H&M
Shoes: Adidas 

Shirt: My mum's
Belt: Secondhand
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Boots: Doc Martens

Ellie (Far right): Aerie hoodie and cord pants

Mia (left): Leather jacket from H&M

Shirt: H&M
Harem pants: Zara kids
Shoes: Chinese store in NY

Shirt: Zara kids
Shoes: Converse